Hmu 苗

Language 语言:Hmu 苗语
ISO639-3: hea
Glottolog: nort2747
Family 语系:Miao-Yao 苗瑶语系
Place 地方:Qiándōngnán Miáo and Dòng Autonomous Prefecture 黔东南苗族侗族自治州
Population 人口:1,250,000

The Hmu, or Black Miao, live in Southeast Guizhou and count more than 1.2 million people. Missionaries of the China Inland Mission (内地会)translated the New Testament in Hmu in 1934 by using and expanding the Chinese National Phonetic Script (注音字母)of 1913, also called Bopomofo. A new translation was necessary in the 21st century as the language changed significantly in the past eighty years. The New Testament of 2009, and its revision of 2018, available on this website, both use the Romanized script which the Chinese Government devised in 1956. On this site, users can access the New Testament as integrated text and audio application, and download it as audio- and e-book. Furthermore, interactive Israel and Mediterranean maps allow users to track ancient places by the Bible verses which mention these places.

黑苗族有 125 万人口,他们居住在贵州省黔东南地区。1934 年内地会宣教士将新约翻译成苗文,当时使用了 1913 年的注音之母,这些注音之母也叫玻坡摸佛(Bopomofo)。由于在 80 年中语言有许多变化,所以在 21 世纪需要从新来翻译。新翻译的苗文新约 2009 第一版及 2018 第二版皆使用拉丁字母文字,此文字在 1956 年由中国政府创造。本网站提供的是苗文新约网络版,在这个网络版中文字和音频共存,同时还可下载音频和电子书。此外网站提供了以色列和地中海互动地图,在地图上点到某个地点时,相应的经文会显示出来。